Misogyni - begærets skyggeside


Misogyny; as a hatred towards women, is a predominant problem throughout history transcending both time and place. Based on a recent rise of the Incel community; an online subculture of young men expressing strong misogynistic opinions and ideas of being entitled to have sex with women, and also considering the #MeToo campaign as well as the persistent gender inequality; it is evident how misogyny is still highly prevalent in the western world. It is therefore considered relevant to shed light on the social and psychological factors involved in the development of misogyny among young western men.

This bachelor thesis examines misogyny in a developmental and social psychological perspective. The aim of the study is to move towards an understanding of the mechanisms behind the development of misogyny both on the intrapsychic, intersubjective and societal level. To this end the thesis is based on a moderate eclectic method that combines concepts from psychoanalysis and social constructionism. The scope of our investigation is limited to a single case study of the self- proclaimed incel Just James whose development of misogyny is analyzed within the selected theoretical framework. Since the case material is limited to self-made videos important meanings that occur in an interview relation are lost, which is considered a limiting factor.

The psychoanalytic perspective is represented by Ole Andkjær Olsen’s interpretation of the classical Freudian theory of the Oedipus Complex and Donald Winnicott’s theory about the early parent-infant relationship and the absolute dependence on the mother. The social constructionist perspective is represented by Judith Butler’s concepts of gender performativity, citation and the heterosexual matrix and Raewyn Connell’s theory on multiple masculinities.

The empirical analysis shows that misogyny can be traced back to the early relationships between the child and the caregivers and how these relationships influence the psychological organization of the subject. It is found that an overly caring mother can result in an unresolved oedipal conflict and leave the subject with an illusion of omnipotence and an idea of entitlement to women later in life. From the social psychological angle, the development of misogyny is found to be related to the social and cultural gender norms and hierarchies. The analysis shows how the patriarchal structures and attempts to meet the gender expectations and the standards of the hegemonic masculinity can be formative for the subject and lead to misogynistic tendencies. The final discussion, on the different explicatory forces of the theories, indicates that the development of misogyny originates from both the societal structures and the individual.

Bedømmelse: 10