Posts tagged Socialpsykologi
Misogyni - begærets skyggeside

This bachelor thesis examines misogyny in a developmental and social psychological perspective. The aim of the study is to move towards an understanding of the mechanisms behind the development of misogyny both on the intrapsychic, intersubjective and societal level. To this end the thesis is based on a moderate eclectic method that combines concepts from psychoanalysis and social constructionism.

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Klimaskam - i et affektteoretisk, liberalfilosofisk og poststrukturalistisk perspektiv

This bachelor thesis seeks an understanding of the phenomenon ecological shame (or eco-shame) by exploring theoretical perspectives on the emotional dimension of climate change. Furthermore, this paper investigates whether or not eco-shame promotes climate-friendly behavior. The theoretical perspectives are presented by Sara Ahmed, Martha Craven Nussbaum and Michel Foucault.

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Begær og samfund

This paper attempts to examine the relations between the nuclear family, gay marriage and Western capitalism through a theoretical analysis with the help of Herbert Marcuse’s Eros & Civilization and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus. Respectively, these theoreticians allow the use of a Freudo-Marxian and a schizoanalytic perspective to answer the following theoretical question: How can Marcuse’s terminology together with that of Deleuze and Guattari’s be applied to explore desire within the relationship between the nuclear family and the societal structure of capitalism to understand the historical emergence of gay marriage?

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En planetforandrende dualisme - Om natursynets betydning for klimaforandringerne

The current paper is a theoretical investigation of the impact our nature view has on sensitization towards climate change. Furthermore, it is suggested how psychology can contribute to a movement towards greater sensitization. The phenomenon is addressed through a historical investigation of the nature view based on the ideas of the Norwegian philosopher Hjalmar Hegge.

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What do the Danes know about inequality? Reviving and old, but unresolved, debate from across the Atlantic

Recently, a prominent Danish union boasted that the level of inequality in Denmark has become obscene (3F, 2019). To contribute with scientific, evidence-based conclusions to the above statement, this thesis will attempt to explore how the Danish population truly assess and prefer the distribution of wealth in Denmark.

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Menneskets forhold til andre dyr og kost – et ideologisk og eksistentielt perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to examine the mechanisms of carnism, specifically using social psychologist Melanie Joy, and to examine the belief system underneath this conceptualization of carnism as an ideology. Drawing on the work of existential psychiatrist and professor Irvin Yalom, the paper also sets out to understand how some individuals find meaning in the opposing ideologies veganism and vegetarianism.

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Kollektive standarders betydning for integrationsmuligheder i Danmark

This thesis explores collective standards in relation to the possibilities of becoming a part of Danish society as a Dane with another ethnicity. I argue that collective standards should be grasped from a dialectical point of view where standards are created by subjects but at the same time creates subjects. This thesis is based on two theoretical perspectives: Semiotic Cultural Psychology and Critical Psychology.

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Skizofreni - sygdomsforståelsers konsekvenser for individet

This bachelor thesis examines the concept of stigmatization related to schizophrenia and its effects on the individual. It is explored how different understandings of schizophrenia can contribute to stigmatization. Based on theories of stigmatization, it is argued that the stigmatization that people with schizophrenia experience may result in a decrease of agency and possibilities of action.

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Den globale konkurrences konsekvenser for subjektive valg og begær - En socialpsykologisk undersøgelse i et metateoretisk perspektiv

This project takes as its starting point the idea of transnational economic competition as a structural condition for the subject, and how it affect subjective choices and desires. The question is raised why this globalizing development is not regarded as a historical-ideological process but as a basic living condition?

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